Thursday, October 31, 2019
Watch a movie and write about it "The Milagro Beanfield War" Essay
Watch a movie and write about it "The Milagro Beanfield War" - Essay Example It is important for the audience to understand the motives and influences that make the characters do what they do and considering their backgrounds as well. In this case, the small village is denied water for reasons that they cannot understand. Powerful people in the society probably picked such a small village since most of its inhabitants are very poor and are likely to offer very little protest if any at all. The residents are not given any explanations and they also do not do anything about it until Joe Mondragon in a fit of anger unplugs the water into his bean fields. The developers are known to change any piece of land that they come across as resorts and golf clubs that are used by the rich people. It is clear that the poor people are not of any importance such that even heir source of livelihoods are manipulated in order to create space for the rich people in the society. The poor do not have anyone to stand for them and it takes the action of Joe Milagros who was angered by the fact that he could no longer farm to help the residents get back their source of livelihoods. However, this does not happen without major confrontations as people unite against the said developers. There are some villagers who are against it while majority of the other villagers prefer not to get involved in the issues. The reluctance to get involved shows how meek the villagers are and it also shows that they believe that nothing can be done to help them in their situation and would rather suffer in silence. They may also fear for even their lives as the developers ar e rather powerful people who could do anything they wished. The movie shows the plight of the poor against the rich in that the rich most of the time can do anything that they wish with minimal consequences. While there are people who are willing to fight for their rights, most people just believe that they should let things be as they are even if they are suffering.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Persulphate and Potassium Iodide Essay Example for Free
Persulphate and Potassium Iodide Essay The rate of which the reaction happened can be found out by using the simple formulae: Speed = Distance Time Distance is what we call the persulphate because we are measuring the amount of persulphate needed to react. The amount of persulphate will always be the same at the end so it doesnt matter how much we use. So to make it easy we can call this 1 (unit). Therefore Rate = 1 Time Therefore rate is the inverse of time and we can draw a graph of this. The faster the rate of reaction takes place, the shorter is the time needed for the reaction to finish. To be more precise, the speed of the reaction is inversely proportional to the time taken for the reaction to finish. In my prediction I stated, I predict that when the concentration of the reactant, Potassium Persulphate, is increased while all other factors are kept constant then the rate of reaction will increase. From the graph we can clearly see that this is the case. At 5% concentration the rate of reaction is very slow as it takes 720. 29 seconds for the cross to disappear but at 100% concentration the rate of reaction has increased dramatically and is very fast, taking only 16. 12 seconds for the cross to disappear. From my predicted graph, we can see that it is very similar to that of the actual graph and therefore my prediction has been supported by the experiment. In this experiment only one concentration was altered. A variation is to keep the concentration of iodide constant and alter the concentration of Potassium persulphate. Then the speed of the reaction is found to be proportional to the concentration of the Persulphate. If the Persulphate concentration is doubled then the speed doubles. The reason for this is that the ions are closer together in a concentrated solution. The closer together they are, the more often the ions collide. The more often they collide, the more chance they have of reacting. Collision Theory for Rates of Reaction Before looking at the factors that can alter the rate of reaction, we must consider when happens when a reaction takes place. First of all, the particles of the reacting substances must collide with each other and, secondly, a fixed amount of energy called the activation energy must be reached if the reaction is to take place. If a collision between particles can produce sufficient energy (i. e.if they collide fast enough and in the right direction) a reaction will take place. Not all collisions will result in a reaction. A reaction is speeded up if the number of suitable collisions is increased. Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction When one of the reactants is a solid, the reaction must take place on the surface of the solid. By breaking up the solid in to smaller pieces, the surface are is increased, giving a greater area for collisions to take place and so causing and increase in the rate of reaction. This explains why mixtures of coal dust and air can cause explosions. The experiment was done on the same day trying to keep the temperature the same. Effect of Light on the Rate of Reaction The rates of some reactions are increased by exposure to light. Light has a similar effect, therefore, to increasing temperature. This is why the paper had to be used. Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction The more concentrated the reactants, the greater will be the rate of reaction. This is because increasing the concentration of the reactants increases the number of collisions between particles and therefore, increases the rate of reaction. This also explains why the greatest rate of reaction are usually as soon as the reactants are mixed i. e. they are both at their highest concentrations. As the reaction precedes the concentrations of the reacting substances decrease and the rate of reaction decreases. The effect of concentration is shown in this experiment using potassium persulphate and Iodine showing a colour change and cloudiness due to the precipitation of potassium. Effect of Light on the Rate of Reaction The rates of some reactions are increased by exposure to light. Light has a similar effect, therefore, to increasing temperature. Thats why paper is used to surround the beaker. Effect of Catalysts on the Rate of Reaction A catalyse is a substance which can alter the rate of a reaction but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. Catalysts usually speed up reactions. A catalyst, which slows down a reaction, is called a negative catalyst or inhibitor. Catalysts speed up reactions by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction, i. e. one that has much lower activation energy. More collisions will, therefore, have enough energy for this new pathway. So the factors, which affect the rate of a chemical reaction, include: 7. Concentration 8. Particle Size 9. Pressure (for reactions involving gases) 10. Temperature 11. Light 12. Presence of a catalyst The difference in the rate of reaction can be explained in terms of a simple collision theory. Evaluation The procedure used wasnt the most accurate procedure but it was good enough to give us firm enough results and conclusion. The experiment shows a reasonably high accuracy of results to a hundredth of a second. Although, when dealing with the solutions it was taken to the nearest cm3. This was because we only had equipment to this degree although it was good enough to give accurate results. The experiment has shown to produce no anomalous results. As you can see from the graph that all the results follow the line of best fit and none seem out of place. I think the experiment shows quite a high standard of reliability. The preliminary experiment showed that the right amount of starch was used and even when repeated no anomalies were found. I can say therefore from this that I can support a firm conclusion. There are only a few things that could produce anomalous results. If the constants were not kept constant then this may produce some misleading results. This was done as best of our abilities although if a different batch of starch was used through the experiment this would produce inaccurate times also if the pipettes were accidentally mixed up or the observer of the cross changed or stopped the clock not as accurately as before. The number of results taken from the experiment though was a suitable number, although to make it a lot more accurate the results could have been repeated 3 times and then an average taken, although this would take a long time. This experiment has shown to be very suitable for its purpose and given some accurate and reliable results. If, for any instance, it was necessary to have extremely high accurate results the experimental procedure may have to be changed. If this experiment were to be changed in any way it would only be to do more repeat readings and measure and time more accurately; this then would give more accurate results. Improvements outside the school laboratories, with this experiment, can be changed by using very accurate equipment. Keeping all things, which affect the rate of reaction constant, for example light and temperature. If done in a cabinet with a thermometer and light sensor these two things can be kept constant to a high degree. By observing a colour change can be improved by a colour detection sensor. Fresh solutions in apparatus, which is cleaned thoroughly after use an also using a photocell linked into a clock rather than the visual way These differences can produce some very highly precise results. Chemistry: Scientific Investigation.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Benefits Behind Mergers And Acquisitions Economics Essay
Benefits Behind Mergers And Acquisitions Economics Essay This assignment is going to include a discussion of the theoretical benefits behind mergers and acquisitions, a review of the empirical evidence and also two real world examples, one where value was created and one where it was destroyed. Theory The benefits of mergers and acquisitions stem from a concept known as synergy which can be illustrated using a formula, PVab =PVa + PVb + gains (Arnold, 2008: 866) also represented as, 2+2=5. The theory behind this is that a combined unit would be greater in value than the sum of its parts, basically meaning two firms together are worth more than the value of the firms if they were apart. One benefit of this is the increase in market power which is a firms ability to exercise a degree of control over the price of a product. This can be achieved in more than one way but for example if a firm merged with another and then found itself in a monopoly position it would have the ability to push up the price of its products because consumers would have fewer alternative suppliers. Another advantage is the increase in economies of scale achievable. In most cases the larger the size of a firm the lower the cost per unit of output because of cost advantages being better exploited. For example i f two firms in the same industry merged they could gain marketing economies of scale through joint advertising perhaps and also administration economies by sharing administrative activities and accounting. There would also be financial economies as funds borrowed on the capital market would be provided at lower costs and with more favourable rates of borrowing. Internalisation of transactions is also a benefit; if two firms at different stages of the production chain merged, a greater efficiency of co-ordination of the different levels may be the outcome. This could be achieved because of reductions in costs such as communication, monitoring, contract enforcement and bargaining. Usually entering in to a new market or industry takes years of effort and during the early period losses may even be incurred, however through the process of mergers and acquisitions this once daunting task can become much easier. By acquiring an existing firm that already posses the required skills and mark et strength it eliminates the need for them to be generated internally. There are also tax advantages of acquisitions in some countries because losses of subsidiaries can be used to offset present taxable profits of the parent company meaning a lower tax bill. Therefore acquiring firms which have accumulated tax losses may be beneficial; however this benefit is not present in the UK due to much stricter rules being in place. Another benefit of mergers and acquisitions would be risk diversification. A firm may be viewed as less volatile if its cash flows come from a wider range of sources meaning shareholders gain from a reduction in risk but with no decrease in return. The greater stability of earnings may also be appealing to lenders which could result in lower interest rates. Mergers and acquisitions are usually used as an instrument to create shareholder value (Sudarsanam 2003), this is the main objective; however there also seem to be managerial motives present. When a firm acquires another is consequently becomes a larger enterprise meaning managers have more responsibility and so may be justified to receive a much larger salary. Some may feel more successful and important because of this and this sense of achievement may become a personal driver for managers to carry out mergers and acquisitions. Another reason could be survival, the management team may begin to feel the best way to avoid being taken over or dominated is to grow themselves, especially if regular mergers are occurring in the industry the firm operates in. This could lead to firms not merging for just the benefit of shareholders but also to try and assure the survival of the management team. A question one may wish to ask is how the value of the benefits of mergers and acquisitions can be measured? The benefits of acquisitions are usually not easy or straightforward to put in to numerical form. For example the application of superior managerial skills or entry in to a new market cannot accurately be measured; even things such as competitive position and reputation with customers, the list goes on. These items will not be found on balance sheets so therefore the true value of a firm may not be presented; however one indicator which could perhaps value the benefit may be the firms share price. Empirical evidence Although the theory behind mergers and acquisitions suggest that they create value for both the shareholders of the offeror and offeree companies the empirical evidence doesnt always seem to support this. (Meeks 1977) conducted a statistical test to represent the effects of mergers, he took profits from the merged companies after the merger and compared them with the weighted average of the participants profits had they not merged based on their earnings prior to the merger. His conclusion was that merged profits were less than those that the participants would have received had they not joined forces. However some have questioned Meeks research There are weaknesses in Meekss work (Ulen, 1980: 234). This being said Alan Gregorys review of the long run performance of UK acquiring firms reached a similar conclusion the long-run shareholder wealth effects of recent acquisitions in the UK have been, on average, significantly negative (Gregory, 1997: 984). However a study to evaluate take overs in the UK from 1955-1985 suggest that both offeror and offeree company shareholders gain from mergers we find that mergers have, on average, been value-creating for shareholders as measured by equity market prices around the merger announcement date. Shareholders of targets gain, and bidder shareholders gain or do not lose. (Franks and Harris, 1989: 247). Empirical evidence of the overall wealth gains of target shareholders from stock mergers were reviewed by (Loughran and Vijh 1997). They found that target shareholders that sold out soon after the acquisition date gain from all acquisitions; however those who held on to the acquirers stock find their gains diminish over time. Studies on post merger performance of acquiring firms seem to generally forecast negative results as can be seen here We find that stockholders of the acquiring firms suffer a statistically significant wealth loss of about 10% over the five years following the merger completion. (Agrawal, Jaffe Mandelke r 1992: 1618) and also here We find that these takeovers have a positive but not always significant impact on profitability, and a negative impact on short and long run returns (Cosh, guest and Hughes 2005: 489). Real world examples In 2006 Disney bought Pixar for $7.4billion. The two companies had been working together prior to the merger but with two different sets of shareholders there were barriers that existed, however with the merger the two companies became able to collaborate freely and with ease. Pixar has doubled its yearly film output something that would have been unthinkable before the merger and with expert advice from Disney has improved vastly in fields such as advertising and merchandising. Pixarà movies tend to perform better than animated movies developed by Disney itself (Garrahan, 2010: 16), Toy Story 3 is on course to become the biggest grossing animated film ever released by Walt Disney after generating $630.2m in its first month in cinemas (Garrahan, 2010: 16). In 1994 BMW acquired Rover for à £800 million. Only six years later and after millions of pounds worth of investment they sold the company, The brand had declined too far to be rescued. The German group ploughed {XEU} 4bn into its English patient before getting out in 2000. (The financial times, 2005) The company was sold to the phoenix four for à £10! Whoà bought Roverà fromà BMW for [pounds sterling] 10 (Eaglesham Peel, 2008: 5). This was a huge disaster, some blamed it on communication Whenà BMW boughtà theà Roverà business, communication with the German managers was even worse (exacerbated by political infighting on the German side). Failure was the inevitable and bitter result. (Lester, 2007: 8) and others on the fact that Rover may have been a lost cause to begin with Even the mightyà BMW, whichà bought Roverà in 1994, had to accept in the end that the brand had declined too far or at least to give it a future would cost far too much money. (The financia l times, 2005) Conclusion To conclude having researched for example Meeks and Gregorys financial analysis of the empirical evidence and reviewing the real world examples discussed above one may argue that mergers and acquisitions on average may not be beneficial to the shareholders of the acquiring firms. Management tends to underestimate the level of organisation required and therefore take off more than they can chew. However as seen in the Disney-Pixar case mergers can benefit both the offeror and offeree at times. Wordcount: 1492
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Act of Sacrifice from Achilles and Gilgamesh Essay -- The Iliad Gr
The Act of Sacrifice from Achilles and Gilgamesh The act of sacrifice is a very important event in literature. Often, it can define and shape a characterââ¬â¢s life and personality. The ancient texts discussed in class contain many diverse, yet equally meaningful examples of sacrifice. Even though these acts of sacrifice can occur for different reasons, each one has a similar purpose. The characters that perform such sacrifices are required to give up something they love, cherish or own in order to serve a greater purpose. Achilles from The Iliad must sacrifice his physical possessions to appease his gods. Gilgamesh is unwillingly forced to sacrifice his beloved brother. Cain from The Bible also forfeits material possessions, but he also gives up his own integrity, as well as eternal life in his Heaven. These sacrifices appear to differ in the severity of what is given up, but they are actually alike in the way each is used to accomplish certain goals. Achilles is an excellent example of one who performs sacrifice. In The Iliad, Achilles is a supreme and god-like warrior, but his many character flaws hold him from achieving his full potential. His rampant pride and unharnessed rage overtakes his other good qualities and causes him many hardships. Achilles hopes to reduce these flaws by sacrificing numerous possessions to the gods. He believes, as did most other Greeks of the time, that thee gifts would urge the gods to look favorably upon the givers. Objects, such as cows, pigs, and wine, were cooked in an extremely orderly manner. Any deviations from the proper method of offering the gifts would be seen as a sign of disrespect. Sacrifices are made to obtain or achieve something in the future. In the case of Achilles, his sacrifice was made in hope that the gods would control and possibly eliminate his rage and pride. Achillesââ¬â¢ gifts of animals and drink to the gods were viewed by the Ancient Greek public as normal, hon orable, and religious. Most citizens made some kind of offering to the gods, but the gifts were definitely not as lavish and extravagant as the offerings made by Achilles. Regardless of the sacrifice, the importance was found in how much the gift meant to the giver, and how often the gifts came to the gods. Like Achilles, Gilgamesh also made an extreme sacrifice in order to better himself and those around him. In Gilgamesh, the tit... ...necessary arrogance that stirred unrest in his people. After his sacrifice, he had known the joys of brotherhood, become wiser and humbler, and gained the respect of his people. The complete opposite of Gilgameshââ¬â¢s case is Cainââ¬â¢s. He begins as a humble, faithful servant of God, and he is given a good job. But he makes inadequate sacrifices and compounds the problem by murdering his brother. At the end, he does not have his job, he has lost his loyal brother by his own hand, and most walk aimlessly across the earth for eternity. As can be seen, sacrifices take on many different shapes and forms. These sacrifices can be alike and different in many aspects, but they all are important in literature. Sacrifice molds the integrity and reputation of those making them, not only to the society in which they live, but also with the higher power that they worship. The sacrifices of Achilles, Gilgamesh, and Cain were all important in their respective cultures and were very influential in how these three will be looked upon throughout history. It is obvious that any sacrifice to be made must be carefully picked over and analyzed before it is enacted. Otherwise, one may wonder forever.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
College Dropout Essay
In the article, ââ¬Å"The Dropout Dilemma: One in four college freshman dropoutâ⬠, Jonathan Whitbourne touches the issue of college students dropping out. Whitbourne provides insight into the top six reasons that college students drop out. According to American College Testing, ââ¬Å"one in every four students leaves college before completing sophomore yearâ⬠(cited in Whitbourne 1). While this article is well written, it could use some more facts and provide some of the authorââ¬â¢s credentials. The article begins with a story about Michael Van Adams. He was an exemplary high school student with an outstanding academic record. After highschool, he thought he was ready to tackle any hurdle that was presented before him, including his college education. Michael was quickly proved wrong. High school students spend so much time trying to get into college that they are often forget the fundamentals needed to be prepared for college life. ââ¬Å"A large number of students are Ill equipped for the challenges of collegeâ⬠(2). One of the main skills that these students are lacking due to the time consumed with admissions is the coursework; which can be drastically different than high school. Other factors include: no longer living at home; which for many students this is the first time, and managing time and money. When these factors are present, it can lead to unneeded stress. Many colleges have been studying why the dropout rate is so high and attempting to construct a course or program to prepare students . These ââ¬Å"Survival Coursesâ⬠(2) are to prepare students for the tasks that lie ahead. One school that has been providing a course for college preparation is the University of South Carolina since 1972 (2). The article also provides six of the top reasons that college studentââ¬â¢s dropout. In addition to the reasons, the article also provides six survival strategies to help prepare and prevent new students from falling into the same pattern. The author does not provide his credentials or whether or not he is qualified to write this article. An extra step is needed to find out that he is the lead web editor at a corporation. The author began as an editorial intern in sports; therefore he is not exactly qualified to write on college dropouts. Though the author has been an editor for Healthy Kidsââ¬â¢ Magazine, he is not an subject matter expert in the field. Nevertheless, because he does have research and editorial experience, this allows him to be taken seriously on the topic. Even without the actual author having all of the necessary qualifications; the article is clearly not biased and is completely objective. There is very limited presence of personal opinion and the facts, when presented, are undeniable within the text. The author has provided numerous of good examples of students that have come face to face with the horrors of being a new college student. The beginning of the article begins with an introduction about student named Michael VanAdams. As you get more into the content of the article there is a reference made about Sara Stanton. Though there is dialogue from these individuals there is no proof stating whether or not Whitbourne himself interviewed these students or if he just came across their stories. Using strong subject matter experts within the field can make an article or study more reliable. In the essay, Whitbourne also uses the expertise of Vincent Tinto and Robert Feldman. Tinto is the Chairman of the Higher Education Program at Syracuse University in New York. He is also the author of Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. In addition, Robert Feldman is the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts. The combination of these individuals greatly contributes to the overall prestige of the article. Another factor that is important when writing articles is the prominent use of facts to back the authorââ¬â¢s findings and results. Whitbourne did not use a lot of facts to back his article. The use of statistics, facts, quotations, and citations could have helped his article be more reliable. The statistics and references that were used were wonderful, nevertheless they were scarce. When a topic like this is being discussed the reader needs to feel confident in what he/she is reading. Without the proper statistics and citations the persuasiveness of this article can be questioned.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Pros and Cons of Earning a Masters Degree Before a PhD
Pros and Cons of Earning a Masters Degree Before a PhD As a potential applicant to graduate school you have a great many decisions to make. The initial decisions, such as what field to study, may come easily. However, many applicants struggle with choosing what degree to pursue, whether a masterââ¬â¢s degree or PhD is right for them. Others know what degree they want. Those who choose a doctoral degree sometimes wonder if they should first complete a masterââ¬â¢s degree. Do you need a masterââ¬â¢s degree to apply to a doctoral program? Is a masterââ¬â¢s degree an essential prerequisite for gaining admission to a doctoral program? Usually not. Does a masterââ¬â¢s degree improve your odds of admission? Sometimes. Is it in your best interest to earn masterââ¬â¢s before applying to PhD programs? It depends. Pros and Cons of Earning a Master's Before Applying to PhD Programs There are both advantages and disadvantages to earning a masterââ¬â¢s before applying to PhD programs. Below are some of the pros and cons: Pro:à A masterââ¬â¢s degree will introduce you to the process of graduate study. Without a doubt, graduate school is different from college. This is especially true at the doctoral level. A masterââ¬â¢s program can introduce to you the process of graduate study and help you understand how it is different from undergraduate study.à A masterââ¬â¢s program can help you make the transition to graduate school and prepare you for making the transition from college student to graduate scholar.à Pro:à A masterââ¬â¢s program can help you see if you are ready for doctoral study. Are you ready for graduate school? Do you have the right study habits? Are you motivated? Can you manage your time? Enrolling in a masterââ¬â¢s program can help you see if you have what it takes for success as a graduate student ââ¬â and especially as a doctoral student. Pro: A masterââ¬â¢s program can help you see if you are interested enough to undertake a PhD The typical college survey courses present a broad view of a discipline, with little depth. Small college seminars present a topic in more depth but it will not come close to what you will learn in graduate school. It is not until students are immersed in a field that they truly come to know the depth of their interest. Sometimes new grad students realize that the field is not for them. Others complete the masterââ¬â¢s degree but realize that they have no interest in pursuing a doctorate. Pro: A masters may help you get into a doctoral program. If your undergraduate transcript leaves much to be desired, a masterââ¬â¢s program may help you improve your academic record and show that you have the stuff that competent graduate students are made of. Earning a masterââ¬â¢s degree shows that you are committed and interested in your field of study.à Returning students may seek a masterââ¬â¢s degree to obtain contacts and recommendations from faculty. Pro: A masterââ¬â¢s degree can help you change fields. Are you planning on studying a different field than your college major? It can be hard to convince a graduate admissions committee that you are interested and committed to a field in which that you have little formal experience. A masterââ¬â¢s degree can not only introduce you to the field but can show the admissions committee that you interested, committed, and competent in your chosen field.à Pro: A masterââ¬â¢s degree can offer a foot in the door to a particular graduate program. Suppose you hope to attend a specific graduate program. Taking a few graduate courses, nonmatriculated (or nondegree-seeking) can help you learn about the program and can help faculty learn about you. This is even more true for masterââ¬â¢s students. In many graduate programs, masterââ¬â¢s and doctoral students take some of the same classes. As a masterââ¬â¢s student, youââ¬â¢ll have contact with graduate faculty ââ¬â often those who teach in the doctoral program. Completing a thesis and volunteering to work on faculty research can help faculty get to know you as a competent and promising researcher. A masterââ¬â¢s degree might offer you a foot in the door and a better chance of gaining admission to the departmentââ¬â¢s doctoral program. However, admission is not guaranteed. Before you choose this option, be sure that you can live with yourself if you donââ¬â¢t gain admission. Will you be happy with a terminal master? Con:à A masterââ¬â¢s degree is time-consuming. Typically a full-time masterââ¬â¢s program will require 2 years of study.à Many new doctoral students find that their masterââ¬â¢s coursework doesnââ¬â¢t transfer. If you enroll in a masterââ¬â¢s program recognize that it will likely not make a dent in your required doctoral coursework. Yourà PhDà will likely take an additional 4 to 6 years after earning your masterââ¬â¢s degree. Con:à A masterââ¬â¢s degree is usually unfunded. Many students find this a big con: Masterââ¬â¢s students usually do not receive much funding. Most masterââ¬â¢s programs are paid for out-of-pocket. Are you prepared to potentially have tens of thousands of dollars of debt before you begin your PhD.?à If you choose not to seek a doctoral degree, what employment options accompany your masterââ¬â¢s degree? While Iââ¬â¢d argue that a masterââ¬â¢s degree is always of value for your intellectual and personal growth, if the salary-return of your degree is important to you, do your homework and think carefully before enrolling in a masterââ¬â¢s program prior to seeking your PhD. Whether you seek a masterââ¬â¢s degree before applying to doctoral programs is a personal decision. Also recognize that many PhD programs award masterââ¬â¢s degrees along the way, typically after the first year and completing exams and/or a thesis.
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